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Viquillibres:La taverna/Arxius/2014

IMPORTANT: Revisió de l'activitat dels administradors


Hola. Recentment ha estat adoptada una nova política sobre la retirada de "drets avançats" (administrador, buròcrata, etc) per consens comunitari global (aquesta comunitat va rebre un avís sobre la discussió). D'acord amb aquesta política, els stewards estan revisant l'activitat dels administradors en les wikis menors. Fins on sabem, el vostre wiki no té cap procés formal per la retirada de "drets avançats" als comptes inactius. Això vol dir que els stewards se'n faran càrrec per aquest wiki d'acord amb la nova revisió d'activitat dels administradors.

Hem trobat que els següents usuaris compleixen els criteris d'inactivitat (cap edició i cap acció registrada durant més de 2 anys):

  1. Arturo Reina (administrador)
  2. Martorell (administrador)
  3. Álvaro M (administrador)

Aquests usuaris rebran aviat una notificació demanant-los que iniciïn una discussió comunitària si desitgen mantenir algun o tots els seus drets d'accés. Si l'usuari no respon llavors els seus drets avançats seran retirats pels stewards.

Tanmateix, si vosaltres com a comunitat voleu crear el vostre propi procés de revisió d'activitat reemplaçant el global, si voleu prendre alguna decisió diferent sobre aquests usuaris inactius amb drets avançats, o si ja teniu una política al respecte que se'ns hagi escapat, llavors notifiqueu-ho als stewards a Meta-Wiki per saber si no hem de procedir amb la revisió de drets en el vostre wiki. Gràcies, QuiteUnusual (discussió) 23:40, 7 des 2013 (CET)[respon]

Sincerament, crec que la comunitat de viquillibres en català no està prou organitzada com per expressar una opinió pròpia diferent a la de la comunitat global. Personalment em sembla lògic i desitjable que es porti a terme aquesta política de retirada de drets avançats (no tan pel nostre cas en particular com per la salut dels projectes en general). Jo mateix pensava que potser hauria estat un dels afectats, però el marge de dos anys és realment generós i a nosaltres ens va com a anell al dit per fer la distinció entre els administradors poc actius i els que acumulen pols virtual.
Si algun dels afectats vol aprofitar per treure el nas que ho faci, que si vol continuar essent administrador tindrà el meu suport! Penso que qualsevol oportunitat per reactivar la comunitat de viquillibres és benvinguda :)--Loquetudigas (tot orelles!) 12:26, 11 gen 2014 (CET)[respon]
Hola! He rebut el missatge per part de l'estuard oferint-me alegar la meua inactivitat. Sincerament, és obvi que a causa de la meua llarga inactivitat hom calga un altre administrador més actiu. No estic pas en contra en la retirada del meu estatus com a admin, i encaramenys si açò serveix per a reviscolar Viquillibres. Per altra banda, però, si en tot este temps ningú no es va posar en contacte amb mi per a voler assumir esta petita responsabilitat, aleshores, s'enten el context de la meua inactivitat. No obstant això, estic disposat a reprendre les tasques assignades, sempre que cap usuari no tinga cap objecció. Salut! --Martorell (discussió) 19:42, 20 gen 2014 (CET)[respon]
Hola Martorell. T'he respost a la teva pàgina de discussió. Per part meva no tinc cap objecció, ans m'encantaria que continuessis essent administrador!--Loquetudigas (tot orelles!) 19:34, 27 gen 2014 (CET)[respon]
Arribo tardíssim a aquest fil, ja que jo també he estat força inactiu... Però considero que per poc interès que es tingui en controlar, mantenir, o revifar el projecte, ja val la pena que tinguem el títol d'administrador. No obstant, des de Meta han complert el que van dir i han retirat el dret d'administració als 3 usuaris esmentats. Em sap greu, Martorell. --Xavi Dengra (MISSATGES) 21:34, 22 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]

Request for comment on Commons: Should Wikimedia support MP4 video?


I apologize for this message being only in English. Please translate it if needed to help your community.

The Wikimedia Foundation's multimedia team seeks community guidance on a proposal to support the MP4 video format. This digital video standard is used widely around the world to record, edit and watch videos on mobile phones, desktop computers and home video devices. It is also known as H.264/MPEG-4 or AVC.

Supporting the MP4 format would make it much easier for our users to view and contribute video on Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects -- and video files could be offered in dual formats on our sites, so we could continue to support current open formats (WebM and Ogg Theora).

However, MP4 is a patent-encumbered format, and using a proprietary format would be a departure from our current practice of only supporting open formats on our sites -- even though the licenses appear to have acceptable legal terms, with only a small fee required.

We would appreciate your guidance on whether or not to support MP4. Our Request for Comments presents views both in favor and against MP4 support, based on opinions we’ve heard in our discussions with community and team members.

Please join this RfC -- and share your advice.

All users are welcome to participate, whether you are active on Commons, Wikipedia, other Wikimedia project -- or any site that uses content from our free media repository.

You are also welcome to join tomorrow's Office hours chat on IRC, this Thursday, January 16, at 19:00 UTC, if you would like to discuss this project with our team and other community members.

We look forward to a constructive discussion with you, so we can make a more informed decision together on this important topic. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 07:47, 16 gen 2014 (CET)[respon]

10 anys


Hola a tots. El proper juliol Viquillibres celebra 10 anys, i per celebrar-ho podriem organitzar un viquirepte. Encara que la comunitat, sigui petita, no passa res. A Viquidites, on només som un parell o tres els que editem també n'estem organitzant un. Podria servir, a banda de per fer crèixer el projecte, per animar a editors d'altres projectes més grans. Tot i que faig la proposta, m'agraderia no portar el pes de l'organització, ja que ja estic organitzant el de Viquidites i cau per les mateixes dates.--Unapersona (discussió) 21:43, 30 gen 2014 (CET)[respon]

Universal Language Selector will be enabled by default again on this wiki by 21 February 2014


On January 21 2014 the MediaWiki extension Universal Language Selector (ULS) was disabled on this wiki. A new preference was added for logged-in users to turn on ULS. This was done to prevent slow loading of pages due to ULS webfonts, a behaviour that had been observed by the Wikimedia Technical Operations team on some wikis.

We are now ready to enable ULS again. The temporary preference to enable ULS will be removed. A new checkbox has been added to the Language Panel to enable/disable font delivery. This will be unchecked by default for this wiki, but can be selected at any time by the users to enable webfonts. This is an interim solution while we improve the feature of webfonts delivery.

You can read the announcement and the development plan for more information. Apologies for writing this message only in English. Thank you. Runa

Amendment to the Terms of Use


Call for project ideas: funding is available for community experiments


I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

Do you have an idea for a project that could improve your community? Individual Engagement Grants from the Wikimedia Foundation help support individuals and small teams to organize experiments for 6 months. You can get funding to try out your idea for online community organizing, outreach, tool-building, or research to help make Viquillibres better. In March, we’re looking for new project proposals.

Examples of past Individual Engagement Grant projects:

Proposals are due by 31 March 2014. There are a number of ways to get involved!

Hope to have your participation,

--Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 20:44, 28 feb 2014 (CET)[respon]

Proposed optional changes to Terms of Use amendment

Hello all, in response to some community comments in the discussion on the amendment to the Terms of Use on undisclosed paid editing, we have prepared two optional changes. Please read about these optional changes on Meta wiki and share your comments. If you can (and this is a non english project), please translate this announcement. Thanks! Slaporte (WMF) 22:56, 13 març 2014 (CET)[respon]

Changes to the default site typography coming soon


This week, the typography on Wikimedia sites will be updated for all readers and editors who use the default "Vector" skin. This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements. The schedule is:

  • April 1st: non-Wikipedia projects will see this change live
  • April 3rd: Wikipedias will see this change live

This change is very similar to the "Typography Update" Beta Feature that has been available on Wikimedia projects since November 2013. After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance. Users who are logged in may still choose to use another skin, or alter their personal CSS, if they prefer a different appearance. Local common CSS styles will also apply as normal, for issues with local styles and scripts that impact all users.

For more information:

-- Steven Walling (Product Manager) on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's User Experience Design team

Media Viewer


Greetings, my apologies for writing in English.

I wanted to let you know that Media Viewer will be released to this wiki in the coming weeks. Media Viewer allows readers of Wikimedia projects to have an enhanced view of files without having to visit the file page, but with more detail than a thumbnail. You can try Media Viewer out now by turning it on in your Beta Features. If you do not enjoy Media Viewer or if it interferes with your work after it is turned on you will be able to disable Media Viewer as well in your preferences. I invite you to share what you think about Media Viewer and how it can be made better in the future.

Thank you for your time. - Keegan (WMF) 23:29, 23 maig 2014 (CEST)[respon]

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Using only UploadWizard for uploads

Wikimedia Commons logo

Hello! Sorry for writing in English. It was noted that on this wiki upload is not fully functional for users, who will experience a very difficult and/or illegal uploading. In fact, the licenses/copyright tags dropdown is empty, making it hard or impossible to comply with copyright requirements during upload itself.

Presumably, you don't have interest nor energies to have hundreds templates with the now required HTML, even less a local EDP. I propose to have

so that you can avoid local maintenance and all users can have a functioning, easy upload interface in their own language. All registered users can upload on Commons and existing files will not be affected.

All this will get done around 2014-07-03.

  1. If you disagree with the proposal, just remove your wiki from the list. Remember also to create MediaWiki:Licenses locally with any content (see a simple example), or uploads will be soon disabled anyway by MediaWiki itself (starting in version 1.24wmf11).
  2. To make the UploadWizard even better, please tell your experience and ideas on commons:Commons:Upload Wizard feedback.

Nemo 15:09, 19 juny 2014 (CEST)[respon]

Media Viewer is now live on this wiki


Media Viewer lets you see images in larger size

Greetings— and sorry for writing in English, please translate if it will help your community,

The Wikimedia Foundation's Multimedia team is happy to announce that Media Viewer was just released on this site today.

Media Viewer displays images in larger size when you click on their thumbnails, to provide a better viewing experience. Users can now view images faster and more clearly, without having to jump to separate pages — and its user interface is more intuitive, offering easy access to full-resolution images and information, with links to the file repository for editing. The tool has been tested extensively across all Wikimedia wikis over the past six months as a Beta Feature and has been released to the largest Wikipedias, all language Wikisources, and the English Wikivoyage already.

If you do not like this feature, you can easily turn it off by clicking on "Disable Media Viewer" at the bottom of the screen, pulling up the information panel (or in your your preferences) whether you have an account or not. Learn more in this Media Viewer Help page.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about Media Viewer. You are invited to share your feedback in this discussion on MediaWiki.org in any language, to help improve this feature. You are also welcome to take this quick survey in English, en français, o español.

We hope you enjoy Media Viewer. Many thanks to all the community members who helped make it possible. - Fabrice Florin (WMF) (talk) 23:54, 19 juny 2014 (CEST)[respon]

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Letter petitioning WMF to reverse recent decisions


The Wikimedia Foundation recently created a new feature, "superprotect" status. The purpose is to prevent pages from being edited by elected administrators -- but permitting WMF staff to edit them. It has been put to use in only one case: to protect the deployment of the Media Viewer software on German Wikipedia, in defiance of a clear decision of that community to disable the feature by default, unless users decide to enable it.

If you oppose these actions, please add your name to this letter. If you know non-Wikimedians who support our vision for the free sharing of knowledge, and would like to add their names to the list, please ask them to sign an identical version of the letter on change.org.

-- JurgenNL (talk) 19:35, 21 ago 2014 (CEST)[respon]

Process ideas for software development


’’My apologies for writing in English.’’


I am notifying you that a brainstorming session has been started on Meta to help the Wikimedia Foundation increase and better affect community participation in software development across all wiki projects. Basically, how can you be more involved in helping to create features on Wikimedia projects? We are inviting all interested users to voice their ideas on how communities can be more involved and informed in the product development process at the Wikimedia Foundation. It would be very appreciated if you could translate this message to help inform your local communities as well.

I and the rest of my team welcome you to participate. We hope to see you on Meta.

Kind regards, -- Rdicerb (WMF) talk 00:15, 22 ago 2014 (CEST)[respon]

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Grants to improve your project

Apologies for English. Please help translate this message.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals for funding new experiments from September 1st to 30th. Your idea could improve Wikimedia projects with a new tool or gadget, a better process to support community-building on your wiki, research on an important issue, or something else we haven't thought of yet. Whether you need $200 or $30,000 USD, Individual Engagement Grants can cover your own project development time in addition to hiring others to help you.

Meta RfCs on two new global groups

Hello all,

There are currently requests for comment open on meta to create two new global groups. The first is a group for members of the OTRS permissions queue, which would grant them autopatrolled rights on all wikis except those who opt-out. That proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Creation of a global OTRS-permissions user group. The second is a group for Wikimedia Commons admins and OTRS agents to view deleted file pages through the 'viewdeletedfile' right on all wikis except those who opt-out. The second proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Global file deletion review.

We would like to hear what you think on both proposals. Both are in English; if you wanted to translate them into your native language that would also be appreciated.

It is possible for individual projects to opt-out, so that users in those groups do not have any additional rights on those projects. To do this please start a local discussion, and if there is consensus you can request to opt-out of either or both at m:Stewards' noticeboard.

Thanks and regards, Ajraddatz (talk) 19:05, 26 oct 2014 (CET)[respon]

Global AbuseFilter



El Filtre d'Abusos és una extensió de MediaWiki utilitzada per detectar patrons de comportament abusiu, com el vandalisme o el correu brossa. El 2013, els Filtres Globals d'Abusos es van habilitar en un conjunt limitat de Viquipèdies, incloent-hi Meta-Wiki, MediaWiki.org, Viquiespècies i (el 2014) totes les viquipèdies petites. Recentment, els filtres globals d'abusos s'han habilitat a les viquipèdies mitjanes, també. Aquests filtres estan controlats per auxiliars a Meta-Wiki i han demostrat ser molt efectius en la prevenció d'atacs massius de correu brossa arreu dels projectes Wikimedia. Tanmateix, a hores d'ara no hi ha cap política que estableixi com s'utilitzaran els Filtres Globals d'Abusos, tot i que hi ha propostes. Hi ha una contínua demanda de comentaris en polítiques que gestionin l'ús dels filtres. Mentrestant, les viquipèdies específiques poden optar per no utilitzar el Filtre Global d'Abusos. Aquestes viquipèdies poden, simplement, afegir una sol·licitud a aquesta llista a Meta-Wiki. Es poden trobar més detalls en aquesta pàgina de Meta-Wiki. Si teniu dubtes, pregunteu-nos a m:Talk:Global AbuseFilter.


PiRSquared17, Glaisher18:34, 14 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]

VisualEditor coming to this wiki as a Beta Feature


Hello. Please excuse the English. I would be grateful if you translated this message!

VisualEditor, a rich-text editor for MediaWiki, will soon be available on this wiki as a Beta Feature. The estimated date of activation is Wednesday, 26 November.

To access it, you will need to visit the Característiques de la beta page after the deployment and tick the box next to "⧼Visualeditor-preference-core-label⧽". (If you have enabled the "Habilita automàticament la majoria de funcions beta" option, VisualEditor will be automatically available for you.) There will also be a "⧼Visualeditor-preference-language-label⧽" that you can enable if you need it.

Then, you just have to click on "Modifica" to start VisualEditor, or on "Modifica el codi" to edit using wikitext markup. You can even begin to edit pages with VisualEditor and then switch to the wikitext editor simply by clicking on its tab at any point, and you can keep your changes when doing so.

A guide was just published at mediawiki.org so that you can learn how to support your community with this transition: please read and translate it if you can! You will find all the information about the next steps there. Please report any suggestions or issues at the main feedback page. You will also receive the next issues of the multilingual monthly newsletter here on this page: if you want it delivered elsewhere, for example at your personal talk page, please add the relevant page here.

Thanks for your attention and happy editing, Elitre (WMF) 19:12, 21 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]

VisualEditor coming to this wiki as a Beta Feature (errata)


Imatges locals


Aviso que hi ha un projecte en curs per unificar la informació en metadades de tots els fitxers de forma que l'autor, llicència, origen i descripció es puguin llegir mecànicament per qualsevol eina, sigui de redistribució, visualització a pantalla completa, descàrrega en pdf, etc. Més info a m:File metadata cleanup drive/ca. Al Viquillibres hi ha 41 fitxers locals on els falta aquesta informació: toollabs:mrmetadata/wikibooks/ca/index.html. Bàsicament cal una plantilla tipus w:Plantilla:Informació i unes plantilles de llicència on incorporar les etiquetes de metadades. --V.Riullop 15:52, 22 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]

Intentaré posar-hi remei. Gràcies. --Xavi Dengra (MISSATGES) 15:59, 22 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]
Quan dius "plantilles de llicència", a què et refereixes? --Xavi Dengra (MISSATGES) 16:01, 22 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]
Tots els fitxers haurien de tenir la plantilla {{Informació}}, que ja està adaptada per capturar la descripció, autor i origen, més una plantilla de llicència com w:Categoria:Plantilles de llicència d'ús o les de commons:Category:License tags, per exemple la més habitual commons:Template:Cc-by-sa-3.0. Pel que veig, cap fitxer té cap llicència. En teoria és l'autor qui ha de dir les condicions d'ús de la seva obra. Segurament ara serà difícil localitzar-los. El que s'hagi de fer és una qüestió a decidir per la comunitat local, però recomano substituir tots els fitxers locals que sigui possible per d'altres de Commons. --V.Riullop 14:38, 23 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]
Fet Fet! 100% dels fitxers en regla. --Xavi Dengra (MISSATGES) 10:31, 28 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]

Candidatura a buròcrata


He presentat una candidatura per a buròcrata d'aquest projecte a Viquillibres:Candidatura a administrador#Xavier Dengra, la qual finalitza el dia 22 de novembre. Agraïria la màxima participació possible en la votació per a legitimar-la. Gràcies. --Xavi Dengra (MISSATGES) 22:49, 22 nov 2014 (CET)[respon]



Hola! Obre una votació per aconseguir els drets d'importador a viquillibres. Voteu a continuació:

Flag de bot


Aquí teniu la meva petició --Gerardduenas (discussió) 19:37, 9 des 2014 (CET)[respon]

Perfecte! Pel que queda, crec que es pot esperar a que el Xavi tingui els permisos de buròcrata...--Unapersona (discussió) 19:53, 9 des 2014 (CET)[respon]

VisualEditor News #10—2014


20:00, 26 des 2014 (CET)