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  • commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered...
    19 Ko (3.095 paraules) - 19:26, 15 abr 2019
  • a drawer or into another dark spot. We will water each as needed. After some weeks we will observe how the plant in the dark location has not grown up...
    13 Ko (1.138 paraules) - 08:12, 31 maig 2017
  • newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. Need to get 8329kB of archives. After unpacking 17.2MB will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] El...
    26 Ko (3.918 paraules) - 11:47, 22 maig 2021
  • distribution of your application in a directory structure ready to be archived in a tar.gz or zip file. Note that this target depends on two others: * "deploy" so...
    22 Ko (2.916 paraules) - 07:29, 5 març 2022
  • 20 German words on the right, and be asked to match them. To study for that, check out the 71 flashcards related to this lesson at FlashcardExchange.com...
    16 Ko (1.661 paraules) - 19:41, 8 feb 2015
  • prova.txt # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") En aquí lo important és on diu: # Changed but not updated. Això vol dir que...
    18 Ko (3.035 paraules) - 23:57, 22 juny 2016
  • variable global de l'exterior. temperature2.py # converts temperature to Fahrenheit or Celsius def print_options(): print("Options:") print(" 'p' print options")...
    13 Ko (2.025 paraules) - 23:06, 9 oct 2022
  • the output of the last command, to make sure the fingerprint is 27DE B156 44C6 B3CF 3BD7 D291 300F 846B A25B AE09 (with or without spaces). Verifiqueu de...
    3 Ko (527 paraules) - 13:17, 5 gen 2020
  • de R de Barcelona. Notícies, comentaris, codi i molt més. Comunidad R Hispano Wiki de la comunitat hispana. (castellà) Resources to help you learn and...
    7 Ko (814 paraules) - 12:43, 2 juny 2015
  • to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback interface. This connection is not visible on any external interface and no data is sent to or...
    12 Ko (1.749 paraules) - 11:19, 14 gen 2023
  • funció de pujar una nota mig to. Normalment, parlant ens referim a mi i mi sostingut (o dièsi). Però a l'hora de tocar són notes diferents. Això pot provocar...
    32 Ko (4.453 paraules) - 21:31, 13 gen 2017
  • fine. I want you to know I'm serious about this question, no matter how silly it sounds: 'What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not start when I get...
    35 Ko (5.164 paraules) - 00:52, 23 juny 2016
  • hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0 La prova és estadísticament significativa (p = 0,031). El resultat de l'ordre wilcox.test s'exporta sense cap...
    79 Ko (10.036 paraules) - 16:30, 10 jul 2024
  • Llengua Taxi (categoria Llengües orals)
    's/[^[:alpha:]]/ /g' text_to_analize.txt | tr '\n' " " | tr -s " " | tr " " '\n'| tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | nl | grep "\sword_to_search_for$" També...
    11 Ko (1.249 paraules) - 16:38, 9 oct 2017
  • or greek origin. Mostly these are words stressed on the last syllable, as shown by the following: Vo=`kal Kon=so=`nant Lek=ti=`on These words (not stressed...
    11 Ko (1.800 paraules) - 15:31, 16 maig 2018
  • to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help...
    23 Ko (3.329 paraules) - 16:58, 25 gen 2019
  • servir torrent (un protocol Peer to Peer) o mitjançant un servidor de descàrrega (que pot ser amb protocol HTTP o FTP). Un cop ha finalitzat la descàrrega...
    16 Ko (2.468 paraules) - 23:58, 22 juny 2016
  • community that had existed for many years. Sharing of software was not limited to our particular community; it is as old as computers, just as sharing...
    53 Ko (8.561 paraules) - 23:24, 22 juny 2016
  • servir torrent (un protocol Peer to Peer) o mitjançant un servidor de descàrrega (que pot ser amb protocol HTTP o FTP). Un cop ha finalitzat la descàrrega...
    16 Ko (2.472 paraules) - 23:58, 22 juny 2016
  • servir torrent (un protocol Peer to Peer) o mitjançant un servidor de descàrrega (que pot ser amb protocol HTTP o FTP). Un cop ha finalitzat la descàrrega...
    20 Ko (3.294 paraules) - 00:42, 23 juny 2016
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